DIY Bracelet with wide Russian soutache.

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DIY Bracelet with wide Russian soutache.

Stylishbracelets withwide Russiansoutache. Several variantsfrom Smyks
Armbĺnd af russisk flet

Extra wide 6mm Russian soutache with nylon and a slit in the middle has a nice exclusive look, and due to its stiffness, it’s a good choice for bracelets. You can decorate the bracelets in the same way as when you make leather bracelets, with charms with spacer beads, beads orpendants.

To make the bracelets shown above youwill need the followingmaterials:

Russian soutache cord in black or gray
Magnetic clasp with5mm hole
Cupchain rhinestone 2 mm in silver or gold plated
Jewelery glue
Spacer bead witheye

Here is a direct link if you wish to purchase a finished Soutache bracelet like the ones seen above.


Bracelet with charms
This shows you how to makethis simplebraceletwith charmsand a magneticclasp, wrapped around1-3times.

armbĺnd med russisk flet bĺnd



russisk flet armbĺnd i grĺt

Measure the cord on your wrist with thenumber of wrapsyou want (approximately 20cm per wrap-around). The length of the clasp (approx.1cm) should be subtracted from this.Cut itwith a pair of sharpscissors.The cordfrayseasilyat the ends, so do not touchtoo much.

magnetlĺs til armbĺnd med russisk fletbĺnd

Take amagnetic clasp anddisassemble it.Each of the twopartsof the claspis glued onseparately.The adhesive isplaced ina narrow striparound theinside wall ofthe clasp(not on the bottom).Make sure thatyou glueinto the correctholes.

magnetlĺs til russiskflet bĺnd

Fold the cord lightly, and then gently “screw” the clasponso that the glueis evenly distributed. It is not easy to avoid somefrays along theedge. Thesecan be removed with anail clipper, ortry to melt themoff witha lighter.

Put on the spacer bead and/orthe bead with an eye for pendants, or whatever you would like, before you glue on the other end.

russisk fletbĺnd limet ind i forgyldt magnetlĺs

Glue onthe otherpart of the claspatthe opposite end.


Bracelet with rhinestone cupchain

Here, a piece of cupchain (2 mm) is glued onto the Russian soutache, and then the cord has been glued into a 5 mm magnetic clasp.

armbĺnd med rhinsten og russisk fletbĺnd



First, take a nice piece of Russian soutache and lay it flat on a table. You can hold it straight by placing something heavy at the ends.

Add a fine strip of glue in the middle of the cord. Do not use too much glue, only enough to attach the chain to the cord.
Start at one end and move slowly, so that you are sure that it is straight.
Let it dry.


rhinstenskćde limes pĺ russisk fletbĺnd


Measure of how long your bracelet should be, and cut the cord and chain with a good sharp nipper or a pair of sharp scissors.

russisk fletbĺnd med rhinsten limes i magnetlĺs

Apply glue to the clasp-parts of the magnetic clasp and put them on as described above in “Bracelets with charms.”


Bangles or Turk’s head-knot bracelets of Russian soutache.
The Russian soutache is also suitable for making these delicate bangles using the Turk’s head knot.
For a normal-size bracelet,  3 meter of cord is required. To close the ends together, a little bit of jewelry glue  is required. The bracelet is made so that it can expand, making it easy to take on and off, therefore you do not need a clasp.

bangles af russisk flet bĺnd


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